
Research shows that Personal development increases your self-awareness, self-esteem, and skills and fulfills your aspirations. This is one of the reasons why Loretta is so passionate about offering personal growth and development classes and workshops. Loretta wants girls and women to understand that self-care is not selfish… it’s survival. It’s the constant repetition of many small habits coming together to propel you forward emotionally, mentally, and physically. Take the time to invest in yourself, to fill your cup, to make yourself a priority, and you will begin to see long-lasting change, growth, and fulfillment in all areas of your life. 

Check out Loretta’s upcoming class offerings!

S.M.A.R.T. Sisters Circle (Coming Soon)

A Mastermind Class dedicated to supporting women in reaching our goals in 2023 the S.M.A.R.T. way! This Mastermind Class is for women who are really ready for all that 2023 has in store for them. This will be a five-week course that will allow women to dig deep and uncover what is truly holding them back from reaching their goals and get them unstuck in order to fulfill their destiny! 

Enrollment for the course will open soon. 
Click below to join the waitlist and be the first to enroll in this class!

Killing Comparison (Coming Soon)

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” As women, we are constantly sizing ourselves up to one another, comparing how we look, what we have and what we don’t have. Doing so literally robs us of the joy in embracing who God created us to be. This class will uncover the lies that we have been told or have told ourselves and will speak truth to who we really are in Christ. The end goal is for women to be set free to live a life beyond the norm in an authentic and unique way simply by being themselves.

“Be You…Everything Else is Already Taken” – Oscar Wilde

Click below to join the waitlist and be the first to enroll in this class!